Last Update: March 2024

Best Snapchat tricks 2024

Snapchat is an application that allows us to share moments of our life in photo or video format quickly, having the peculiarity of disappearing after 24 hours or less. As we know that many readers who use Snapchat to post pictures and videos, we wanted to create this post with 15 Best Snapchat tricks and tips 2024 for Android & iphone ,hidden features of snapchat which will allow you to get the most out of the app.

You may already know some tricks, but we know that many people wants to know,snapchat tricks and secrets 2024 with what we hope will be useful to improve your experience in the app.

15 Best snapchat tricks you need to try


When using the stylus to draw on our Snaps, we can choose the color using the sidebar. The problem is that the bar does not appear neither white nor black to choose from. Luckily, we have a way to use them in our creations and for this we only have to hold down the color bar as if we were to choose a color, but will move your finger to the left of the screen. In this way we can select the target. If we want to use the black, we just have to do the same, but will move the finger to the bottom of the screen. Ente these two positions can also choose more or less contrasting colors to light or dark.


In the same way that when you draw, you can type text using the keyboard and choosing color (black and white using the trick above). Thus we colorearemos all text, but if we select the letters or parts of the text that we want and choosing color, we can create texts with various colors.


In the last major update , Snapchat added several animated and interactive to our photos memes, finding images that ch SELFIES WITH MEMESange every day. To save them only we have to put the front chamber and hold our face for a moment. Then we will see how the app scans the faces and memes available appear at the bottom. Please note that this feature is not available on all devices, so if you appear not to try is that is not compatible with yours).

memes tricks to Snapchat


Snapchat gives us the option to see each other live with our contacts using messages . To do this you just have to be two people with the open at once (the send button will turn blue instead of yellow chat. Then you have to hold down the blue button to the video mode is activated and can see you using the camera. once in this mode can slide your finger across the screen to lock the camera or change between the back and front.


This is one of the tricks to Snapchat simple, but very useful. Sometimes when we are down the street and we want to use Snapchat, we have to rely on using both hands (or have very long fingers on the model of iPhone) to switch between the front and rear camera . Luckily we can do it quickly and without catching ramps in hand: simply touch the screen twice in camera mode, you can switch between the two cameras comfortably.


After recording a snap or take a photo for publication, we can slide your finger across the screen to choose any of the available filters either location, time, temperature or color tone. What is not whether you knew is that you can use two different at a time. You only have to choose the first one, touch the screen with a finger and, while holding another move to another filter. In this way we can have two on the same snap.


Surely once you have asked the meaning of the icons that appear next to direct messages . Well, it is now possible to see the description of each, in addition to change the icons displayed. To do this we must enter settings (icon in the screen that appears Snapcode), Manage and Emojis of friends. Know why there appears each icon and entering into each, we can modify it .EMOJIS OF FRIENDS

Tricks for Snapchat 8


This is another of the tricks to Snapchat that people often do not know. To add friends we can turn to several forms, from doing directly from contacts or use a name to capture Snapcode we have on our reel. What many people do not know is that we can quickly add Snapcodes we find “out there” directly focusing the camera Snapchat and holding the code . In this way we will avoid having to type the name or save before the image on your phone. Do you want to try it? These are our Snapcodes:snapchat tricks

Tricks for Snapchat 11


With the latest versions of iOS, it has added the ability to change the skin tone of some emoji that make references to people. In Snapchat, by default, we appear all the more yellow tone, but luckily we can change it easily. Only have to hold the icon in question when select it , using a slider bar, you can choose the tone and hair color.CHOOSE THE COLOR OF THE SKIN OF EMOJIS

Snapchat tricks


From the “Discover” section you can see ragtag content of different brands. We do not know if you know is that you too can share this content with your friends by sending your snaps as direct message. To do this you just have to hold snap screen that you want to share and ready, it will be charged like a snap where your only have to apply text, drawing, filters and choose recipients.SHARE PUBLICATIONS DISCOVER

Discover to Snapchat tricks

11. Add a longer text in your SNAP

By default, Snapchat only allows us to write a line of text (small size), but it is very easy to skip this limited space. To do this, just have to open, for example, the Messages application and press enter as often as we lines. Once we have the blank copy it all and open Snapchat. We create the image or video you want and press the button text. Then write on the bar and use the Paste button ready, we will see the black space to write text has grown and can add all the text you want .snapchat tricks 2016 iphone

Snapchat tricks 12


In one of the latest updates from Snapchat it has added an interesting feature that makes it easy to share our user and agree genus, creating a bond that we share wherever we want. To do it only needs to enter the option “Add friends” and “Share username”. From there a link that, when clicked from a phone with the installed app, Snapchat automatically open and add us as a friend will be created.

13. Change the name

Within the conversation, you can press the icon in the top left corner (three dashes) and see friends profile that shows the number of exchanged Snape, his name and emoji that represents your friendly status. Here you can change the name that you want to be displayed, a person can also block or remove from your friend list.snapchat tricks 2016

A similar menu that will, in addition to the above-listed capabilities, enable and start a conversation, or snap a dream, you can open a long press on the name of a friend anywhere in the application.

14. Select additional protection for your account

In the settings, select “Login verification ‘and login with your Snapchat account on other devices will be disabled until you type the password with another special code which is subsequently sent to your phone number.

15. Look for Friends nearby

If you want to add friends, but you do not have his phone number or you do not know his username, using the Add friends ➜ Add Additional peoples those around you.snapchat tricks and tips

Above listed 15 snapchat tricks for text, emoji, effects tricks and tips Don’t forgot to share this with your friends & What other cool tricks are you using in snapchat comment below. we will write you back.


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