Last Update: March 2024
Here is the Clash Royale Tips and tricks strategy to win always on Clash Royale for beginners (Newbies) cheats.
If you’re looking for help with the Clash Royale, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find your way to win at Clash Royale with tricks, strategies and cheats. Of course if the experience is a grade do not hesitate in the comments some tips for those who start.
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What is Clash Royale?
Clash of Warcraft: Royal Tower Defense
No, Clash Royale is not Clash of Clans 2. It may look the same in graphics and style but this is a totally different GAME. There are also clans but, this time the fight is on board. One on one in which the fight is much more active than the first great success of Supercell.
Clash Royale for Android is a mix between Tower Defense and the Hearthstone card game: Heroes of Warcraft.
The characters and goods are very similar between the two games. We have archers, giants, balloons and goblins but, you will also feel comfortable handling gold, elixir and gems.

The fight takes place on a separate board in two parts by a small river on which two bridges cross. Your troops keep them under your sleeve and have letters. Each card is a character or an attack and you can improve them by getting coffers. clash royale cheats
If they finish the three minutes that a game lasts the winner is the one that more towers has demolished. Once you release a figure on the board, it takes its path without being able to control it, although you know that it will attack the first thing it finds.

Clash Royale Tips and Tricks 2024
Choose well your war decks
In its card game in which you can choose your deck. Therefore a balanced deck will be the first step to success. When you win battles you will get coffers containing cards to upgrade your troops and gold to pay for your evolution or training. The more cards you get the more level your army will have but, the level raise for each character will also cost you gold.
With the gems you will be able to quench your impatience by skipping the waiting times to open the coffers. If you want to learn from the best you will also be able to see other games of other players in TV Royale.
Clash Royale is a perfect and addictive mix of card game and defense tower. Basically you have drawn the best elements of these two types to mix them with the essence and style of Clash of Clans, keeping the free2Play.

Clash Royale: Cheats and Hints
At the moment no trick has been discovered as such but, we do have some advice so that you can progress better and your way to victory is not so hard. Before you start I recommend you stay away from ads or promotions that promise to give away gems, they are usually a scam.
Clash royale hacks
1. Tips for Beginners
From the beginning to the end of the game the key is to have a balanced team. The balanced combination of units is critical.
Ignore the panic. Calm is a good that you will have to manage. It’s okay to lose a tower. Who acts in haste usually comes before defeat. clash royale cheats 2024
If there is only one minute justify, do not start throwing units right and justify. Remember that you still have to protect your towers.
You can start with giant and a ranged attack until you get the first tower and also be aware of what your opponent does. clash royale hack

2. Tactics and strategy Tips and tricks
Having a strategy can be important and this begins when choosing your cards. Place your expensive units as modest units but, do not choose only to have nothing more than giants.
The rule of thumb: to have units capable of reaching and destroying towers quickly, like the airs. On the other hand it will also be necessary to defend against them.
Watch your opponent. Do not throw your troops away. Reacts your opponent’s moves beforehand and take advantage of them if you can.
First wait until your elixir bar reaches 10 before playing the first card.
If you are the first to destroy a tower you have a lot of advantage and more chances to win. Do not let them eat you ground, continue to protect your towers but, now you have the possibility to drop your troops in your field.
If you are the first to lose a tower do not allow the enemy to advance further. While you can attack from afar with arrows or fireballs.
If the opponent sends a giant, your tower may be able to protect itself but, a little help is not going to come.
3. Patience is the key
If your opponent attacking your towers without mercy, It makes you most strained. Just be patience, Is never good idea to lose patience. Sometimes it is much more effective to wait and launch a well-planned attack with the cards in your deck than to try to improvise a “half-hearted” attack by not waiting for the necessary cards or elixir. And we all know that a bad attack can mean defeat if our opponent knows how to take advantage of it.
4. It’s okay to get some damage
You also have to know how to remain calm even though our tower is suffering damage. Its normal that from time to time we receive damages, and as long as these are not serious, doesn’t mean that we are doing wrong. What’s more, if you look likely to destroy your King’s Tower, you can take advantage of it to launch a direct attack, even if it means that one of your towers falls into the process . You have to be able to measure the risks because sometimes receiving damages can give us the victory.
5. Judiciously Use the Elixir
The elixir is your most important resource, So make the most of it. For example, if you are going to stop an enemy instead of using (cost of 5 elixir) Barbarian card, You can use a Fireball (cost of 4 elixir) to stop the attack and obtained an advantage of 1 elixir. By acting this way you can launch attacks to your opponent while he is still recovering .
6. Be aware of your letters
Although it sounds obvious, you should know your deck as the palm of your hand. Knowing the reason each card is there, its possibilities and its dangers, you can defend yourself against any threat your opponent throws and improve your deck in the process. For example, if you have a Knight (cost 3 of elixir) you can use shield to receive damage while your other troops launch an attack or to distract an attack from the enemy or even to kill opponents with little life as the Witch Without too many problems. You never know what deck your opponent has, so it’s important to know all the possibilities of your opponent.
7. Keep in mind the Time left
After the first 60 seconds, the elixir begins to fill twice as fast and the whole game accelerates. When the three minutes pass, the player with more crowns wins. So you can take advantage of this factor when planning your attacks . Don’t be greedy and if you see that you can tie it with one more tower, go for it!
These are secret cheat strategies to get success on clash royale game. Have you already discovered some trick you want to share with us?
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