Whatsapp is the popular messaging application in the new version published a final beta that allows the option to WhatsApp send/forward messages to multiple contacts simultaneously. We tell you how it works.

Although much slower than we would like, new products, enhancements and new features in WhatsApp still come to our phones , even through the beta versions that can be tested before the official release. It is the case of the latest beta of WhatsApp, which this time will be installed from Google Play , which allows us to test new features before the final update is released. Among the new features that have attracted the attention  of this latest beta is the ability to forward a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts at once .

And is that so far, if you wanted to share a text with more than one friend simultaneously only had two options: to have a group exactly those friends you want to share the message, or send individually many times as the number of contacts you want to give it to them.

 how to forward WhatsApp message to multiple contacts, Groups, recipients 

With the latest addition of WhatsApp Beta, this is a thing of the past. Now just select contacts in the forward and ready menu. But that’s not all because it not only affects contacts is also possible to send the same WhatsApp to several groups simultaneously.

With this new feature of the popular messaging application, you can forward massively not only text messages, also documents, photos or videos . That is, all file types supported by the application. Please note that by sending the content will open the last chat on which you clicked, with a floating message “Sending messages” .

 how to forward WhatsApp message to multiple contacts, Groups, recipients

If you doubt this is an interesting and convenient option for the user, but that can become a double – edged sword. With this new feature, we run the risk that the chains of messages spread much faster and become much more viral, so the groups will increase their activity and notifications will multiply. It will not be uncommon for a single message arrives simultaneously on several fronts, and the days when an event becomes viral can become a nightmare.

This option is forward a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts at once is not new by any means. WhatsApp, as usual, has not invented anything they no longer have their rivals , or even better than they usually do, but its predominant position does not have to worry about not strive too much when implementing them .


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