How to Teach Your Employees to be Safe with Data

Data security is integral to running a safe business and using cloud providers. No matter what kind of security solutions you use to protect your data, if your employees are not well informed about the need for security when it comes to cloud data, it can all be a waste when your employees make mistakes that can lead to easily preventable security breaches.

Educating your employees on the need for security when it comes to cloud data and how they can employ this security in practice is essential when your business is using a cloud service.

Here are a few ways to train your employees to be safe using your cloud network.

1. Show them the Consequences

Often, it can be difficult to visualize exactly why you are employing these tactics when you don’t know the consequences of not using them. Briefly educate your employees on previous cyber-attacks that have occurred within organizations and the consequences that this had for the business. This will give them a viable reason to uphold the cloud security strategy that you have put in place and make them aware of the need to stay vigilant when it comes to using cloud services.

2. Teach Them What to Watch Out For

Unsuspecting employees can fall prey to phishing or malware scams that lead to bigger, organization-wide issues simply because they weren’t aware that this was a possibility.

Regularly remind your employees not to click on suspicious URLs or any links that they don’t know are reputable. Especially remind them not to share any personal details, such as login IDs or passwords, through these kinds of links or with anyone they do not trust. One employee sharing their login information with a scam can be detrimental for your data.

3. Install Security Software

No matter what, your employees should be using software that is security protected. You should inform your employees to check that their device is security protected before they enter login details; even outside of work, it is not safe to log in to a cloud network on public Wi-Fi.

Make use of cloud security providers and techniques, such as a VPN (virtual private network), to ensure that when your employees are operating within the cloud, their device and the data is protected by various security measures. You should also ensure that they know how to operate the security software through training seminars.

4. Use Smarter Passwords

Hackers are constantly becoming more intelligent when it comes to identifying personal details to access passwords. Most people would choose a password that is memorable and significant to them so that they can remember it, but this also makes it more susceptible to hackers who can access personal details, like birth dates.

Randomly generated passwords are generally safer because they follow no noticeable pattern that hackers can trace.

Assign your employees randomized passwords for their log in details; this will make them more difficult for attackers to identify. Alternatively, teach your employees to choose stronger passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.